Aernath's Heartthrobs


Hmmm... short and sweet:

I grew up as a Navy brat living in California, Washington state, Hawaii, Okinawa Japan, Florida, and Kansas. (yeah, which one of these doesn't belong?) Since getting married 21 years ago, I have lived in New York, Alexandria VA, Kansas again (the cost of living is cheaper), then out to Kwajalein of the Marshall Islands for six years, then back stateside to Orlando for four years, and now we're back in Kansas! Again, that pesky cost of living... *cough*expensive hobbies*cough*

I'm dipping my toes back into cels for a bit, and getting out the stained glass tools again! We'll see how that all goes...


Curator: Leah
Gallery Created: 7/7/2004
Hits: 73624

Presentation 9.00/10   Collection 9.18/10   Overall 9.04/10   Votes 91 votes
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